wetterbericht, mal sonne , mal regen...von monte carlo aloha love haebe  win2  win23 1art limited cat 5  catfish  welle  www.baby-music.de   info    boot   blue  neuschwanstein.oil painting,  art aquarell, pencil   think blue   kauf und lauf     perlen 2    inhaltsvz-content       mal sonne     mal nix    mal alles   

  guitar and body 

  the cors orchestra,

  mozart..,ca. 10x15cm

..sleep well   figure  schlafende in bordeauxrot. best tranquilizer,  0088

    blue       40 x 100 cm, oil painting-  SAXOFONE und stier . black bull            


  water colour  giraffe akt am meer

 portrait von angela merkel ,  30x40cm pencil art by carlo haebe, 

  0010-orangen und fruechte am meer. -orange beach- 70 x 100 cm , classic oil paint by carlo haebe    the original is more powerful brighter- softer and sharper as  here. and. bigger.   .good to relax.


     0068  art book

     buchmesse kunst neuheit ,10x15 cm                             .lord gaga. deutscher   bundeskuenstler


biene maja. water colour. 10x10 cm.

rechts: oil painting 20 x 30 cm , holy spirit.body out of sin


mal locker in mallorca . ikonen die sich lohnen. 


pencil 20 x 30 cm , madonna at window

















art portrait of . 30 x 40 cm . oil painting. running-sailing-sports. wellness-koerper geist-seele. cafe-aquarell 30 x 20 cm-40 x 50 cm framed.

duck tales  by carlo haebe  art oil paint. . 40 x 40 cm.  

   madonna  art  by carlo haebe .   30 x 40  cm. oil painting      letī s tango

portrait art 



 oil painting 30 x 40 cm  ,  madonna desert                                

30x40 cm, madonna

50 x 70 cm, gold body oil paint0092 aschenbecher- 




0091    koenig ludwig am chiemsee  - last walk  oil paint 20 x 30 cm  by carlo haebe        video uebersee      


  art portrait of cameron diaz ,pencil 30 x 40 cm. info  buy2 .painting art and music   www.baby-music.de , the original is more beautyful . just having more fun.    win2   art portrait zeichnung aquarell oil painting by monte carlo aloha love haebe. think blue    perlen2    kauf und lauf 


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